Saturday, November 27, 2010

Accomplishments, Failures & Cheating

You may have noticed in the last post that a number of the items on the list have been crossed off, indicating that they have already been accomplished. You could argue that because I hadn't formulated the list officially prior to accomplishing these things that adding them to the list only to immediately cross them off would count as cheating. You'd probably be right, at least to a certain extent.

It could hardly be argued that I really wanted to see the World Series all that bad. But I scored tickets a couple of years ago and it felt like enough of an accomplishment to list.

As for meeting a former president, I'm pretty sure that would be on the list even if I hadn't accomplished it yet (and I may devote a post to that event later--I'll let the image below serve as a teaser).

Seeing Weird Al in concert is without a doubt something I've always wanted to do, and I accomplished it only a few weeks before finalizing the list. I don't feel bad about that one.

Finally, I've only made one attempt so far that I would consider a failure, and that would be in attempting to design and build a musical instrument. This past quarter, I tried to build what was essentially a combination between a giant music box and wind chimes out of steel. I couldn't get the mechanism to work that would strike the chimes. Fail.

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